Recognize Abuse & Neglect

Speak Up for Horses, Inc. offers a training program on recognizing horse abuse and neglect.
This program will provide animal control officers and law enforcement the tools needed to evaluate the condition of the horse and determine the action needed.
We also provide options and resources for the worst cases involving seizure. If your local animal control officers, law enforcement, judges, judge executive, magistrates, prosecutors or lawyers are interested in our training program, please contact us.
We have found that although most of those working in animal law enforcement know a lot about dogs and cats, educational training for horse protection is limited in many communities, even in those with a large horse population.
For animal cruelty cases in Kentucky involving horses, visit OUR NEWS BLOG.

Bulletin: Body Condition Scoring System
Video: What's Your Horse's Body Condition Score?
Kentucky still remains at the bottom of the Rankings as the “Worst State” for animal protection laws for the thirteenth year in a row. LEX 18
Refeeding the starved horse: KY Equine Research Article
Our Cases
Animal Cruelty Arrest in Harrison County
Dry Ridge, KY (Nov. 2, 2007) -
The Kentucky State Police in Dry Ridge have arrested two persons as a result of an investigation into alleged animal cruelty in Harrison County.
SpeakUp for Horses involved in pursuing this case. More.......
Thoroughbred found starving
Harrison County, KY March 2008
Brought to our attention in March of 2008, we came across a very sad horse starving in a pig sty. Read about his escape here.
Speak Up For Horses Saves 48 Horses
December 2009
After a long ordeal of neglect, a group of 48 quarter horses finally has a chance at a new life. Fox 19 of Cincinnati has the full story here: Unfortunately FOX19 no longer has these videos available.
And the Lucky 48 draw attention:
The Horse Magazine published a brief article about the plight of the Lucky 48. Read it about here.
More about the Lucky 48 here
Valentine's Herd of 18
In February of 2015 we were able to prevent 18 horses from going hungry and from going to slaughter. More.....
Angel, the lonely mare
A case with charges being brought against the abuser. More....