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Our Special Supporters

Thank You
There is not a day that goes by without special people stepping up to help the various efforts of Speak Up For Horses.
We would need a seperate website to list each and every person.
Instead we have decided to feature some of those special people here, on a list that will be ever changing.
We thank each and every one of you - every gift has helped us continue our mission.
We hope that we "have done you proud".
We will continue and we hope you will continue to support our work.
Thank you so very much.
Scott Heiser
The Animal Legal Defense Fund
Keith Dane HSUS
Pam Roger HSUS
Kathryn Callahan HSUS
David Smith KY Commonwealth Attorney
Kentucky County Judge/Executives Association
Vince Lang
The Bradley Family
Maria and Rising Star Stables
Henry Bertram
Kentucky State Police
Hagyards Equine clinic
Dr. Slovis
Dr. Lisa Tadros
Dr. Lauren Jabernick
Falmouth Vet Clinic
Dr. Paul Garofolo
Dr. Beagely
Dr. Barbara Schmidt
Shulha Greatwater
Mike and Kelly Patterson
Susan Castleberry
Ramola Allen
The Silver-Burgmann-Munz shoppers
Stable Trails Farm
Molly Raper
KY Trailrider Association
Mary Lou Wilson DeWeese
Dr. Mike O'Bryan, DVM,
Greater Cincinnati Foundation: Brennan Equine Welfare Fund
The National Anti Vivisection Society United Animal Nations
The Binky Foundation
Petsmart Foundation
My Racing Heart Foundation
Judge Executive Ray Powers
Mountainview Horse Rescue
The Walters Family
Lee Anne and Triple Lee Farm
Kate Wilts
Jimmy Woods
Kathy Stutler
Lenore Mullaney
John Ross
The Mustang Transport Donors
QHBuddy Erin
Shirley Flinn
Chandra Mattingly
Jamie Gillispie
The members of AOH
Paulette Wachtel
Canter Ohio
WXIX FOX 19 & Steve Oldfield
Cincinnati Enquirer
The Kentucky Struts
City Beat
Ann Tincher
Fans of Barbaro
The Boys and Girls from New York
Mable Goetz
Karen, Jill and Kate Liebisch
The Fronks
K and M Tack and Feed
Ace Hardware, Falmouth, KY
Tractor Supply, Maysville, KY
Grantslick Vet Clinic, Grantslick, KY
Marty and Jeanie
Kim, Laura and Bill
Karin and Mary
Anne, Molly and Denise
Carol, Karin and Sabine
Sally, BJ and Shannon
Christine, Nathan and Stephanie
Margo, Ben, David and Anthony
and so many more
Please Help The Cause
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Make it easier to donate by using the browser extension Smilematic, which will automatically redirect you to AmazonSmile whenever you shop at Amazon!
You can earn double points when you use your American Express card to make a cash contribution. The Giving Express Program
Join IGIVE, shop the mall stores and earn money for Speak Up.
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Fun Support
Make A Huge Impact
Consider including Speak Up For Horses in your will or estate plan.
Such a gift enables you to make a significant and meaningful contribution which may not have been possible during your lifetime.
And your gracious gift may reduce your estate taxes while supporting the horses you have come to love.

Our Great Car Magnets Help Horses
For a $6.00 donation your car can Speak Up For Horses with this purple magnet. Order by PayPal or by sending your check to Speak Up For Horses, Inc., P.O. 434, Falmouth, Kentucky 41040.
Add more magnets at $ 5.00 each.
These are very durable!

Raise Money For Us With Bookmarkers
We have nifty plastic sleeved, ribbon tassled bookmarkers for fundraising. They sell for a suggested $2 donation. They make a great children's fundraising project. They are colorful with horse pictures on one side and on the other side. They are an easy way for kids to help us raise money. Money raised from the bookmarkers go into the Bundles of Books project.
Contact us for details.

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